It has been a while since I have last posted!!!!! It seems like since Carter's birthday we have run here and there and everywhere in between and everything has been going on!!!!!
Let's see......Carter has been playing Coach Pitch baseball, our season is over. The kids have had a great time, or least I know Carter has. He has gained so much confidience from it and has improved so much since the beginning. And on the last night, the bases were loaded and he gets up to bat, I was one nervous Momma, and
POW he hits a line drive right over second base and makes a GRAND SLAM!!!! He was so excited and I was too, I would be lying if I said I didn't have a small tear in my eye!!!! ;)
Carter playing Centerfield |
Rounding second going to 3rd |
Base Hit...RUN RUN!!!!! |
VBS......The kids enjoyed VBS so much! On Saturday Kentucky Down Under came to visit and brought some of their animals. The Kangaroo was the big hit and some kind of bird that made a hilarious laughing sound.
Maddie's Class with their teacher, Ms. Anna |
Visiting and cooking out with friends!!! One of my favorite things to do in the summer time!!! I love for people to come over and just hang out. Kids swimming, riding motorcycles and cruising in jeeps. And I love going to their houses to and "going on a Field Trips"...thanks Jessica!!!!!! There is nothing like friends and having fun with them!!!! I love all my friends!!
Maddie and Zaylee cruising! |
Carter making some splashes! |
Kruz is cruising!!!! |
Carter and Maddie with their cousins, Lindsey and Kendall |
We love us some watermelon!!!! This was her 3rd piece!!! |
At the Tucker's chicken house!!! He was in chicken Heaven!! |
Jeeping it! |
One of my very best friends, Jessica and Kruz |
This is what we do, down in the hollers!!! |
had to get a little photo session in while playing! |
I found a turtle, trying to decide if it was a snapping turtle or not!!! |
I love when my friends love my kids,l it warms my heart, and I love their kids just as much! "Can I get an "amen" for how good it feels to watch your friends love your babies? These kids are my heart and when you love them, you consequently just found yourself a deeper place in my own heart. Likewise, to let my friends know I love them...sometimes loving their kids is the best place to start." -Kelle Hampton
And my Momma wanted some pictures of her and Daddy made with the kids, so one afternoon I played photographer and made some pics of them!! I was pleased with how they turned out!!!!
the parentals with the grandbabies |
probably my favorite picture of the whole day! |
Nana and her babies! |
the sister, we had to have our picture since everyone else was too
Well that is about it...hopefully I won't be away as long next time!!!!