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Monday, July 16, 2012

What could have been a near death experience!!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend, ours was!!!! My kids had 3 different birthday parties to attend this weekend, so we were on the go all weekend. The temps here in KY has been in the triple digits 2 weeks ago and dry.  This weekend it was in the low 80s and rainy!!! Which I am not complaining we need the rain, it felt awesome to run this weekend and it not be in the 100s (which by the way Jessica and I got a great 4 mile run in Saturday morning), but the birthday parties were all water parties!!! But when has cold, rainy weather stopped kids from playing in it!!!! My niece's party was on Friday night and being the cool Aunt I am I got her a pink BB gun!!!! Oh yea, I scored majorly with that gift, not sure how much I scored with the sister and the BIL, but oh well they don't count all that matters is the niece is happy!!! :)

Look at that face!!!! She is beyond happy, and notice Maddie's sweet little face beside her!!!

Riley and Maddie swimming (sorry for the quality - mobile upload, zoomed in)

Riley with her Daddy practicing with her new gun!!!!
 On Sunday afternoon Chris, Carter and I along with 2 good friends went riding our Ranger.  We love riding, what a mind releaser it is, well usually it is!!!!

This is what our ride looks like

As I said it has been really hot here and dry, and all the animals have been coming out in search of water, I have noticed a lot of road kill on the shoulders of the roads. Well today was no this video on youtube.......I will warn  you there is some cussing, but I think you will understand!!!! It would make a preacher cuss!!!!!

Yes that is us!!!!! And that is me screaming for dear life!!!!!

2 Rattlesnakes fighting!!!

it was about 6 feet long!!!

These 2 snakes, so we have been told were mating, that they fight when they mate.  We happen to come up on these 2 monsters while riding. I saw them first, immediately Chris and his buddy Daniel had to get a closer look, me not so much, however Carter, me and another buddy, Eddie did get off our units to see better.  I was trying to video and take pictures with my phone and I was just to far away, and Daniel said he was. So I thought he could just text or email them to me.  And I was turning around heading back to the Ranger, that is when I saw 2 Rattlers coiled up right beside me, about a foot away!!! I grabbed Carter and we ran for the Ranger squealing like little girls!!!!


1 comment:

Courtney said...

Holy moly about those snakes!!!! Close call--I would have peed in my pants. Birthday parties rule our lives! My boys would love that Ranger:)