The weekend started out with a date with the hubs! We went out for supper and then to the movies. We watched Lawless, it is a 1930s based true story about moon shining! It was really good. However we did not get home until around midnight and I had a race the following morning!!! EEK!!! So I hurried up and go into bed to be awaken by my alarm at 5:45 which had only seemed like I had been in bed for 5 minutes!!! I had my usual race morning breakfast, Jimmy Dean D-delight Turkey Sausage, egg white, cheese muffins and my Mello Yello!!! They are the best!! I have to have my "coffee" which is the Yellow beast!!! Then I switch to Powerade!
Then I met up with my running buddy and bestie Jessica and we had to Glasgow to the Jailbreak 5K.

Laura tagged along with us today for her very first 5K!!!! I was super proud of her. It was a great morning for a run. I was feeling good and had that usual nervous jitter bug going on!! I felt really good about the race today.

We both finished first in our age groups!!!! And we actually crossed the finish line at the same time, holding hands!!!!!! We both PR'ed!!!!!! 26:49!!! I was so very pleased with my time!!!!! At the finish line the lady handing out the place cards said she would let us hash out who got the 16th and 17th place card and I grabbed the 16th and told Jessica she has beat me in the last 3 races that I was placing before her even if we did cross at the same time!!!! We placed 16th and 17th out of 52 runners!!! I was very pleased!
The rest of the weekend was PART-TAE time, Birthday parties that is!!!! Carter had 2 parties on Saturday one at his little buddy's Ben's which was an Olympic Themed party complete with gold medals and relay races and the other was Jessica's son, Kruz. His was TurtleMan themed. I truly feel sorry for you if you have never seen Call of the Wildman on Animal Planet!!!! You must check it out!!! He is from KY, we are honored!! Insert sarcasam!!!!!
However the kids love it!!! TurtleMan is what Carter is going to be for Halloween!

Carter and Ben, and Carter was covered in mud, I think he really thought he was to act out the role since he was dressed like the TurtleMan!!!
Jessica had 8 little boys to stay the night at the cabin!! And she somehow conned me into staying the night with her to help with the supervision!!! It was fun!!!! They had a wonderful time, they played in the river, had relay games, caught critters, roasted marshmallows!!! And when dark came we migrated to the cabin for some movie watching!

Finally OUT!!!!!

Us Turtle Moms, looking a little rough!!!! Late night!!!!

1 comment:
How awesome!!!!! Congratulations!!! So happy for you:)
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