I wasn't expecting any PRs, but I did better than I expected!! My official time was 27:44, so I was very pleased! And I was 13th overall!!!! With about a half mile to go, I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was back there and about 30 feet back there one girl. Coming around the townsquare with about 3/10s to go I could feel her gaining on me, I didn't want to go full power yet, as I rounded the last curve, I dropped the hammer (Chris's favorite saying) and went full Beast and I be darn if she didn't too. We were hashing it out to the finish line. I am talking palms open, full stride, RUN!! She beat me by 1/2 second!!! After I caught my breath and saw that I wasn't dying, I went over and asked her if she was the one that just gave me a run for my money and she said yes, I said good race. I then asked how old are you, she replied 33, I just turned and walked off!! There went my 3rd place in my age group!!!! I knew that 1st and 2nd was tied up. But I can't hang my head, I gave it my all, I had ran one time last week and gave it a 110%!!! This is one time I am looking forward to my birthday and turning 35 I will leave this very competitive age division!!! Especially since Jessica is now in my age group!! :)
Carter was the real winner, he placed 5th overall and PR'ed big time with a 24:51!!! He ran with one of our running buddies and paced the entire race with him!!!

Maddie ran the little Kid's 1/2 Mile Race!! She was super excited, but when I met her coming down the townsquare she was crying, her legs hurt, her hips hurt, etc!!! Oh the Drama!!!! She got a medal and all was good!!! My niece also ran the Kid's Race

My Momma and Sister also ran the race and my Momma won her age division!!! Jessica was Beast that night!! She won first in our age group.

Maybe he will run with me someday, until then I will take him being a spectator and cheering us on!!!

My Partner in Crime!!!!!
I love this our girls!!!! Poor Maddie was crying, she said her hips and legs wasn't made for running!!!! LOL

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