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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Recap of Las Vegas

Finally getting around to writing about Las Vegas.  I didn't take that many pictures this time, because you can only have so many pictures of the same resort!  This makes our third time going to Vegas! And it gets better each time!
What better way to write a summary of something other than using pictures!!! :)
Day 1

In the airport at Nashville waiting for our number to be called!

Flying over the Rockies!

Caesar's Palace, the Forum Shops!

The guys....already over the walking!!! They said that Jessica and I walked them to death!

Our view for lunch

At Margaritaville for lunch!!!

sharp car on the strip...i think Chris said it was a Porsche

At the Wynn in front of a beautiful waterfall

At Kahunaville the first night eating dinner about 2:00am...Vegas time, which means 4:00 my time!! I was running on pure adrenaline at this point!!!!


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