I was fortunate enough to take off work on Friday and Monday after Christmas, so I was off work for 6 days! Man it was nice too!! We didn't do much, I got the whole house cleaned, all of the kid's Christmas presents put away, all of our new clothes hung up, and cleaned out a few drawers that have been gathering some very precious junk, what you don't have one of those!
Reflecting back on 2013, it has been a great year! Some of our highlights:
Went to Las Vegas with Jessica and JT

Ran my second Half Marathon

Maddie learned to ride a bike
Carter killed his first deer
Bought a new RZR

Completed a Warrior Dash

Carter PR'ed his 5k by 5 minutes

Lots of Summer fun

Survived both of my kid's first slumber/sleep over parties

The sadness of death of a really good friend and explaining it to your kids

Photographing my first wedding

First time going back stage at a concert!

Seeing Disney on Ice

Running across the finishline with my BFF as she completes her first Full Marathon

Running 5ks with family and having family in attendance

I know there were more memorable moments of 2013, but these are just a few!!

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