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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Un-Charted

Last Friday, I experienced new uncharted territory.  I ran my longest distance that I had ever ran....16 miles.  Jessica, Katie, Kandis and I (the three Ks and Jammin J) drove to Glasgow, (about 15 miles) from us to do our run.  We needed a change in scenery and Glasgow has a lot more sidewalks than we do in our little town.  And the route we had, had a lot fewer hills..Huge PLUS!!!! We had a 5 mile loop planned out and after the second loop I was still feeling great!!  At the beginning of the third loop, we stopped by our car to shed some clothes, refill our water/gatorade bottles, have some chomps and chus and was on our merry way!!  Even at mile 13 I was still feeling great.  However when 16 hit I have to say I was glad to be able to stop running!!! I looked at my Garmin at mile 13.1. Even though it doesn't count officially I PR'ed my Half Marathon distance by 5 minutes, so I was super excited about that!!!!
me, Kandis, Katie and Jessica


1 comment:

Savannah said...

Way to go girl!! 16 miles is quite the training run! I'm so proud of and inspired by you. 4.5 weeks to go!