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Monday, October 29, 2012

A Sneak-Peek to my WoNdErFuL Weekend!

I haven't had a chance to download my pictures from this weekend, so I am stealing them from Shelly's FB, one of my friends who also went on the ride!! Here is a sneak peek at the beautiful scenery we got to take in!

can you say breath-taking!!! Minus all the graffiti!!!
Our sweet little ride on the end, the orange machine!
some of us on top of the BIG rock, that is me in the middle
the whole crew after we got back

I will be back later with some pictures!



Courtney said...

Looks SO fun Kelly!!

henning love said...

wow the photos are so gorgeous! definitely fall there for sure. cant wait to see your photos.

Annie said...

I'm so jealous of your weekend - that looks like SO.MUCH.FUN!

The Other Side of Gray