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Friday, October 26, 2012

Hi 5 for Friday!!!!

Linking up with Lauren today for HI 5 for Friday!!!!  I haven't done any link-ups for a long time so I thought I would today.
Ready, Set, GO!!!!

1.  Carter killed his first deer!!! It was a 4 point buck!!!!!! Proud Momma!!

2. Maddie loves to play with her babies and I love that!!! I was a baby doll gal when I was little so I love that she likes to play with them so much! She may or may not be getting McKenna from American Girl for Christmas!! shhhhhh
She is playing beauty shop here!

3. Jumping in Leaves!!! Carter was doing a cannonball!!!!!

4. Carter made the HONOR ROLL the first 9 weeks of school!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

5. We will be doing a lot of this, this weekend!!!!!! For sure pictures to come on Monday!!!!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!!!!!



Courtney said...

Wow! Y'all have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That picture of Carter is just crackin me up!

suzyhomemaker said...

Love, love, love the leaves. My hubby always wants to immediately rake them up and dispose of them, but I love how they just make fall, well fall.