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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

25 days

25 days and counting until my second Half Marathon!!! Yikes!!! Am I ready physically, NO, am I ready mentally, NO, will I be ready, I hope so!!!! The course has been re-routed and it is a really flat course.  So with knowing that I feel better about the race knowing that I don't have any mountains to climb!  The Kentucky Derby is the biggest sporting event in the world and the fastest 3 minutes in sports entertainment.  And I am very happy to say that it is located in my home state.  The Marathon and Half Marathon is the weekend before the actual Derby.  The Derby is always the first Saturday in May, which I might add that we will be attending as well! I am so excited for both events!



Courtney said...

You're gonna do great Kelly!! Excited for you, the second one is much easier:)

Emily said...

Good luck! That's so exciting! I'll be going to the Derby as well with some girlfriends. We're all first timers and are making it a road trip from NJ! Look for you there :)

From Ice Cream to Marathon said...

I'm so excited for you! Now I wish I was running it too. Especially since it's flat! I've lived in KY for 20 years and still have never been to the derby. That needs to change!!