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Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Weekend!

I hope you had a great weekend, I know I did!!!! Just a little wrap up, Jessica and I went and did our KY Derby shopping!!!!  I hope you are planning on to watch it this Saturday around 5ish!!! Or even better attending it!!!!! It is the greatest and fastest 2 minutes in sports ever!!!!! I love horses and this is the absolute best sport to watch and what is even better is being there. Hearing that bugle call them to post and feel the vibration of the ground as they make that last turn, hearing the crowd sing along to "My Old Kentucky Home"!!! Nothing compares!!! We got our Derby hats and our dresses, we will be in the infield this year, so our dresses won't be to dressy, but still fun!!!

While I was shopping Chris had to go on a benefit ride for his work, so the kids stayed at my parents and they went fishing. Maddie is a true fisherman, her stories, and fish size changed every 5 minutes!!!!

On Sunday we went to church came home and the kids has worried the pee out of me to get in the swimming pool, finally I said go ahead and get your little hineys in and I don't want to hear any crying when you are freezing your tails off!!!! Well apparently they took me for my word, because they stayed in for at least 3 hours!!!!! Even though the temperature outside was low to mid 80s, the pool water was a chilly 68!!!! I laid in the lawn chair and watched them play, so I got some wonderful vitamin D!! Maddie has her first little tan line of the year already! Carter's shoulders were red but this morning they were already tan. He gets so dark and has the prettiest color to him!!!
Carter said it felt GOOOOOOD!!!! (I bet)
Maddie said it was a little chilly!!!

Maddie getting brave and leaving the steps, but notice swimmies and
arm floaties!!!!

I grilled some hamburgers and hotdogs while the kids were in the pool and they were delish!!!!

Yesterday afternoon we went over to my FIL's so Carter could ride his dirtbike!!! He loves riding!! He got very muddy!!! I wished I had my camera or phone to have taken pictures while we were riding but I only have the after pictures of him all muddy!!!!


He wanted me to get a close up, notice his skinned knees!!!

Have a great week!!!! Hopefully I will get a good weeks worth of blogging!!!!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Run Run Run

Today is the first day of the New Run Club here in my hometown, and I am super excited for it to begin!! I am excited to learn new things, how to improve my time and to run further! My goal is to run a 10K this fall. That is 6.2 miles. The longest distance I have ran so far is 4.3 miles, and it wasn't tooo bad!!! I say that with hesitation!!!! Maybe this time next year I will be preparing for the Derby Mini-Marathon or the Country Music Marathon & 1/2 Marathon.  I don't think I have 26 miles in me to do a full marathon, I am pushing it to say that I will be able to do a Mini-Marathon!!!!  Maybe someday!!!!

Also I am excited for the Run Club because Carter is going to be participating with me!! He is super fast and I think it will be fun for us to have something that we can do together by ourselves!  Him and his daddy coon hunt and now they have taken up golfing so this is an activity that we can do!!! So stay tuned tomorrow to see how our afternoon of running goes!!!!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Loves me some Pinterest

I didn't want to say a Top 10, 5, 7 on Pinterest, because I really didn't know how many I would find! Today I am dedicating it to grilling!!! I love to cook on the grill, so here goes my favorite or would love to try recipes on the grill. And believe me when I say they are easy, because I am no Betty Crocker!!!

1.  This is literally my #1 food on the grill, I love it!!!!
      CABBAGE, I have not tried this particular recipe out but, but can't wait too. I normally use Franks Red Hott Sauce, fajita seasoning, and butter. But the Hubbs isn't crazy about the hottness of it so I am anxious to try this one out!!!
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2. Grilled Hambugers, these are the BOMB........Never again will I just pad out some ground beef!!!!
OMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! SIDENOTE...I used McCormack Hamburger Seasoning and it was delish as well!!!


3. Corn on the Cob!!!!
I Love it on the Grill, you can't go to the KY State Fair and not get an ear of corn!!!

Corn on the grill.

4. Potatoes
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5. Cheesy Potatoes
I have not tried these but man they look delish!
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6.  Hotdogs!!! Now who doesn't like a Grilled Hotdog!!!
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That's all my go out and fire up that Grill and cook you some yummy food!!!!


Monday, April 23, 2012


Hello Blogging World!!
Long time no see!!! Shew between me running crazy and my kids running here and there, it has been crazy around our house! Maddie is getting ready for her dance recital and starting t-ball, Carter has just started Coach Pitch baseball and crazy obsessed with his calves. They both have practices twice a week on different days...shew, okay enough of my whining!!!

I ran my first official 5K this weekend. I have been running for about 2 months now and I love it!!! However Saturday was my first race competing against people!!! About 300 other people and I am very happy to say I finished 116!!!! I made myself a goal that I was to finish the race without stopping to walk and I did and finished in 32 minutes!!!!! That was my best time yet running the distance of a 5K!!! I can officially say I am addicted!!!!!

Here I am getting ready to cross the finish line and even
though I had just ran 3.1 miles, I was freezing. That was the
coldest drizzling rain evah!!!!
My Momma, Connie, Judy, me,  Brandy and Sheila, the Get Fit crew, being silly!!!
Being serious!

I will be back soon...Promise!!!!


Friday, April 13, 2012


So last night was like walking through a warp zone, within a month of being exactly 3 years!!  We thought Maddie had broken her arm!  The kids were helping feed the calves last night when a side door on a gravity bed wagon came down on her little arm!!  This is the exact same thing that happened to Carter almost 3 years ago.  We debated on whether to take her to the ER because she could move her arm, and wiggle her fingers but so could he, it bruised her arm and swelled some, but so did his! However her outcome was a lot better than his, thank God no broken bone!!!

She was a huge hit in the ER, she talked to all of the nurses, showed them her boo boo, her pink muck boots and how they had cow poop on them, told them she was 4, going to school next year, and on and on!!!  As we were leaving she told the nurse she had to have a sticker, and I told her they may not have them here like they do at your doctor's office!! But low and behold they found one for her!

Her boo boo, it is a little bluer than it appears, and she had to have a picture made with her bones!! haha
Bless us if there is another one like her!!!


Dog or Calf and Diva Dancing

We have a calf that we are bottle feeding and I really think that this calf doesn't realize he is a calf!!! He will follow you around like a puppy!!! However I am getting nervous about the bigger he gets the stronger he gets and he will not realize how big and strong he is and hurt Carter! He has already got him "good" ahem if you know what I mean!! Yep right in the breadbasket!!! Brought the poor boy to his knees and he immediately asked his Daddy "what is this feeling daddy?!!!" Chris and I both could not help but die laughing!!!

So while Carter was finishing up leading Chuck, Maddie decided to put on a little performance for me!!!

Okay you see that she is not camera shy one single bit!!!! She actually LOVES the camera!!! Can ya tell!!! Oh and the pic with the ring she was performing, Single Ladies, the Chipette version!!! ha

But this picture shows her sweetness!!!! Don't let it fool ya though!!!!


All Things Easter

Okay so I know I have been lagging on my post a lot over the last couple of weeks!! So I am going to try and do a couple to get caught up mainly for myself so I won't forget all these little moments in our lives!!!

Easter was a lot of fun as always! My parents had their 4th annual huge Egg Hunt and is always a lot of fun for the kids as well as for the adults.
The table that greeted everyone!
Pinterest idea!!!

Maddie hunting eggs!

Carter hunting eggs!

Jessica...aka the Mommarazzi!!!!

Myself, the sister, the Granny and the mother!

Carter checking out all his loot!

Me and the kids on Easter morning! All dressed up!!
 Nice and shiney as Maddie says!!

All the kiddos from the hunt!
