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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Loves me some Pinterest

I didn't want to say a Top 10, 5, 7 on Pinterest, because I really didn't know how many I would find! Today I am dedicating it to grilling!!! I love to cook on the grill, so here goes my favorite or would love to try recipes on the grill. And believe me when I say they are easy, because I am no Betty Crocker!!!

1.  This is literally my #1 food on the grill, I love it!!!!
      CABBAGE, I have not tried this particular recipe out but, but can't wait too. I normally use Franks Red Hott Sauce, fajita seasoning, and butter. But the Hubbs isn't crazy about the hottness of it so I am anxious to try this one out!!!
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2. Grilled Hambugers, these are the BOMB........Never again will I just pad out some ground beef!!!!
OMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! SIDENOTE...I used McCormack Hamburger Seasoning and it was delish as well!!!


3. Corn on the Cob!!!!
I Love it on the Grill, you can't go to the KY State Fair and not get an ear of corn!!!

Corn on the grill.

4. Potatoes
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5. Cheesy Potatoes
I have not tried these but man they look delish!
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6.  Hotdogs!!! Now who doesn't like a Grilled Hotdog!!!
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That's all my go out and fire up that Grill and cook you some yummy food!!!!



Sarah said...

Made me super hungry girl!!

Momma B said...

I love grilling season!