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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pinterest Top 10

Pinterest Top 10!! I am moving back to Friday because I don't have enough time to get my top ten blogged and quite frankly I can't just do 5!!!! So here ya go!

1. Love This!
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2. I have acquired a taste for some Shrimp Scampy!
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3. How cute is this!!!

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4.  Really....Are you kidding me!!! Genius!!!!
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5. How Whimiscal!!!! Sweet Little girls room!!! But too much white for my little princess!!! LOL
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6. This looks delish too!!! This will be prepared this weekend, I will give you a report on how it turns out!! Why is it food looks so good when you are trying to loose that 10lbs!!!
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7. A Picture that is worth a 1000 words!!!
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8. Pretty Neat Idea.....there ya go Momma and Daddy
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9. Love this, because I was a dry cow!!! Never got over 2oz!!!!
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10.  I love this picture, however I think I would shoot myself if I had 7 babies at once!!! haha
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There ya go!!! That is my Top 10 from this week at Pintererst!!!! Remember next week it will be moving back to Friday!!!!


1 comment:

Georgia Glam said...

Oh my goodness! Bless that woman's heart who has seven children! I do not have any but I do have a niece and she is just enough! (for right now anyway :)