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Friday, March 9, 2012

High Five for Friday

HELLLLLLLO FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you would never come!!!! I am going to do something a little different today, I am gonig to link with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk!! She does a blog party, so to speak, every Friday for High Five for Friday! It highlights five things that have happened to you, to someone else or just something worth mentioning!!! So here goes my High Five!!!!

1. Thank God that we did not have any storm damage in last Friday's storms that tore up the South Central part of the US. Here in KY there was several tornadoes, lots of structure damage and several deaths. Please pray for the families that lost loved ones.  It is very much an eye opener of how fast things can happen. Here is some pictures of hail that I had my house and a cloud that my Dad thinks is a funnel cloud that up in the sky.

2.  The Kentucky Wildcats play in the SEC tournament today in New Orleans, and I am sporting my Wildcats!!!! C A T S Cats Cats Cats!!!!!!!!

3. I got a new car this week!!! Well new to me, car!!!! A nice used one!! 2008 Buick Enclave, I am loving it right now, if I can figure all the buttons out!!  There is a button on it that, I thought brought the gas pedals closer to you, nah it raises the back hatch!!!!!

4. I have already mentioned this in an earlier post, but last Saturday night me and 6 girls went out for a GNO and we had a blast!!!! The best friends a girl could ask for!!!

The Girls
5. Carter started Pee Wee Basketball this week!!! However his sister and her BFF never realized there was a basketball practice going on...they danced, showed jazz hands, flipped, did back bends and cheered and practically anything else you can think of that is girlie!!!!
Zaylee and Maddie

There ya have it my High Five for Friday!!! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!! And GOOOOO Cats!!!!

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