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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Well we have made it to the half point in the week!! I haven't done a Pinteresting post in a while, so thought I would do one! We may be going to a friends house on Sunday to watch the Super Bowl, so I was browsing my pins and some new pins for a fun, easy, snack, dip, etc to take!!  And there might be some non food pins thrown in too!!! Doing the Hump!!!!!

I think this may be my dish I take!!! How yummy does this look!
Loaded baked Potato and Chicken Casserole


I have done this exercise one time and it is killer!!!  I need to do it at least 3-4 times a week, to strengthen my legs.  This will make my running come easier.
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I think this would be so cute for all the little cousins in my family.  On my Mom's side there is six little ones and I think this would be adorable, and on Chris side there is 12, I think, you tend to loose count after 10!! He has 7 first cousins and a bunch of second cousins!!! Big Family!
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This is a really neat site, if you are remodeling or building to give you ideas of new things to do!!! Wished pinterest had been around about 6 years ago when we remodeled our kitchen!!!
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This so true with several of my friends!!! Love ya chicks!!!
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These look so yummy!!!!


My Momma made this during the Christmas Holidays.....and OMGeee it is so good that you want to smack yourself to make sure you wasn't dreaming!!!
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(sorry for the last one size in picture, it was either way big or microscopic small!)

There ya have it, what have you been pinning??



Courtney said...

Love seeing your pins! The photo on the ladder is precious!

Val said...

There is so much greatness in this post!!