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Thursday, December 20, 2012

My New Found Love

I am faithful Mello Yello gal.  I used to drink two a day, then I cut back to 1 a day and then half of one day.  Every morning with my breakfast Ashlee and I split a half of a can.  I always said that was my coffee.  I cannot function without it!  I love the smell of coffee and always wished I liked it.  I tried it one day and it was yuck, so I added some sugar and thought this isn't too bad.

On Sunday we were at Lowes to purchase a dryer (another story) and beside the large appliances is the small appliances like coffee makers.  Chris loves hot chocolate and tea, me not so much.  He said that someone at work had told him about a Keurig and how good the hot chocolate is.  So we purchased one.  He asked if I wanted to get some coffee and I chose to wait until after I tried the ones that came with it.  The first couple of coffees were okay.  But my third cup was Heaven!!!!! I love the taste of the Breakfast Blend Light Roast Coffee!!!! O-M-GEEEEE !!!! I text Chris that morning a picture of the K-Cup and told him to go by the store and get me some!!!! I have had to drink two other kinds since finding this little slice of Heaven since there was only one cup in the sample pack. 

My new BFF

Heaven in a Cup!!!

I am officially a coffee drinker, not an obsessed one, just a one cupper!! And I have not had a Mello Yello in 3 days.  I researched the amount of calories and the grams of sugar in a can of MY versus the cup of coffee and the coffee has less!!!!

My favorite time in the mornings!!! And I am getting to use my mug that
I received from the Half Marathon I completed!!!
What is your get up and go in the mornings??


1 comment:

Courtney said...

I'm a K cup addict!! Can't function without my coffee!