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Friday, May 31, 2013

High Five for Friday!!!

Linking up with Lauren for H54F

1. Grilled Steaks on Memorial day!!! Yummy
2. I LOVE Summer!!! Dirty Toes and Flip Flop Lines!!  Are those not the cutest little piggies you have ever seen!
3. First night swim of 2013!!! The water is 80 degrees, still to chilly for me!!!
4. Our new puppy Trigger, Australian Shepherd. He has beautiful blue eyes!
5. Ranger riding at Brimstone last weekend!

Happy Friday Ya'll!!!! Have a good weekend! Keep me in your thoughts, I am having a house full of little boys to stay the night!!! Can you say Ski and Mello Yello kind of night!!!!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Whatta a Weekend!!!

This weekend was a great one!!!! We went to Brimstone Recreation Area which is located in Huntsville, TN, (just across the KY/TN line).  Every Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend they have a big event called White Knuckle Event where side by sides, dirt bikes, 4-wheelers ride.  This year there was over 10,000 people there! Largest crowd ever!  On Friday night, it was just a little chilly!! We woke up on Saturday morning to temps in the mid 30s!!! On Saturday night wasn't too bad, however we slept in the truck HAHA!! I was thinking at first what have I done, recommending to do this since we could not stretch out our legs, but around 3am, it began to rain, so I was so glad that we did.  The tent life isn't much for me, however I can do it for a couple of nights, but not in 30 degree temps!

Here is a few, okay maybe several pictures of our weekend!

My home for the weekend!
Chris and I on the trail

Some of the units! Can you say MUDDY and then a complete 360 DUSTY! It was muddy in the woods, and dusty in the wide open.

On one of our stops, so pretty!

some of the trails

More trails...........Us going down a big rutted out hill

us again....can you say..I LOVE MUD!!! I was never so glad
to see mud after all that dust!
One little mishap!!! But he was still happy about it!!!

It is a laughing joke now that I take a Dora lunchbox with me on the rides. The first
time I went, I was needing something to put snacks, phone, camera, you know
essentials in and so I grabbed Dora and now all the girls are like did you bring Dora!!!

Kari and I at the Jamey Johnson concert!

On Monday I grilled some Ribeyes, cabbage, potatoes and a sweet onion. OMG, it was so good! I will have to run about 10 miles to account for all the calories I consumed this weekend!!! We got the pool open and the kids took a little dip this weekend, but didn't stay to long, the water is still very chilly, about 72 degrees! Hopefully by this weekend it will be warmer and they can play in it longer.

Cabbage and 3 Cheese potatoes. Click on the recipe tab for these recipes!!! You won't regret it!!!

I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend!!! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

9 Years Ago

Wow, has it been 9 years ago that I became a Momma!  Sure doesn't seem like it has been that long.  So proud of the handsome little man that Carter is growing up to be.  You have come a long way from that little 3lb baby to running a 24 minute 5Ks!!!!! How incredible is that!!!!

 I wrote a couple of blog posts a couple of years ago about his birth here and  here
At Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. 2 days old

Carter was 2 days old. First time I got to see him and really remember it and the first time I held him
5 days old

The day he came home from the hospital. I was bound and determined
he was going to wear that outfit! It was HUGE on him, but he wore it!
so tiny!!!!

first doctor's appt

10 weeks old, in the outfit he was brought home in


Friday, May 17, 2013

A Season of Dance!

First I would like to say our official times for the "I'm a Dam Runner" 5k has been posted and mine was a 26:50 and Carter are you ready.......ran a 24:57!!!! I am so super proud of him, he is only 8 years old people!! He is one determined little dude!!!

Maddie had her end of the year dance recital on Monday and Tuesday nights.  This year's theme was A Season of Dance.  Each group danced, cheered or tumbled to a season specific song.  Maddie danced to Yellow Polka Dot Bikini for the month of June, tumbled to Olay, Olay It's Hot for July and Frosty the Snowman for December!! All the little dancers did so well and it was so cute!! Jessica puts so much time and dedication in with the little ones and is oh so patient.  I would be ready to pinch a head off!!! LOL

Frosty the Snowman

Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

Olay, Olay, It's HOTT!
All of my pictures of her tumbling was too dark and I wasn't able to get one of her in this outfit. This one was a group picture and I cropped her out, so blurry! I loved these outfits!!!

My niece in Olay Olay!!!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Long Time, No Write

Well Hello there!
I have been MIA, for very good reasons! Kiddos!!!! If you have kids you know exactly what I mean, especially if they are active in various activities.  Maddie has had her dance recital the last 2 nights and Carter had a ball game last night.  Thank goodness for grandparents, because they took Carter to his game while I was at the recital with Maddie.  Update on that later!!

Saturday we ran a 5K in Campbellsville at the Green River State Resort Park.  The race was called "I'm a Dam Runner" due to crossing the dam! This has probably one of my favorite races ever.  The course was super flat with just a small incline of a hill and the scenery was beautiful. Weather was perfect it was about 65 degrees and about half way through it began to mist rain, and it felt really nice! However hard on the hair!!! There was several people from our community that went and for some it was their first race ever! So proud of them for getting the courage to even sign up and participate.

My garmin said my time was 27:15, however the official times has not been posted yet.  I would have gotten 3rd place in my age group had they been rewarding 3 places, they only had 1st and 2nd, I am still raw over that one.  How I know you wonder, because I was about 5 steps behind the chick that got 2nd and had their been two more tenths of a mile I would have caught her!!! URGH!!!! This wasn't my fastest time, but I was still pleased, since it is only my second 5K of the year.  My Mom did get 2nd in her age group!! Woo Hoo GO Nana!!!  Carter placed at least 3 minutes ahead of me, I asked what the clock said as he crossed, his response "dunno", what was the placement on your card as you crossed the finish line "dunno" so who knows!! All I know is he beat me!!! I failed to look at the clock as I crossed because I was looking at my Garmin.
after the race with Carter and my Mom

My Road Dog!!! She was beast and pushed a stroller!!

With our wild and crazy crew!! Her son, ran his first 5K, huge accomplishment
for him, ran in 40 minutes!!! And little Priss rode in the stroller.

Some of the participants from our town.

Carter and his buddy!!!!
 ****official time 26:50*****

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day, I would like to take a minute and give recognition to the amazing women in my life!
Last, my sister, my Granny and my Momma

My kiddos and me!
Here is a blog post that I wrote a couple of years ago on Mother's Day and nothing has changed much since then.  Other than I don't know what I would do without my Momma.  Mother's Day has brought a whole new meaning to me this year.  As you may recall one of my very best friends just lost her mother and I so hurt for her this Mother's Day.

Here is also another post that I wrote for Nanahood.  Go by and check Teresa (gosh that was hard say, sorry Mrs Kindred! She was my high school history teacher) out and read all about her Nana stories.

Here is blog entry that I wrote for my Granny!!! She is such an inspiration to me and to others.

Please check these blog post out!  And HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mom's, Grandma's, Aunts, and "like a Mom's" out there!!!!


Thursday, May 9, 2013


Today is Baby Girl's Preschool Graduation.  Gosh where has the time gone.  Seriously, I know we hear and say that all the time.  But I really don't know where it has gone.  There are some things that I said "oh I will never forget that".  I have been sitting here trying to remember fixing Maddie's bottles, changing her diaper her as a 1or 2 year old, and my memory is very vague.  I  hope by saying that you are not thinking, gosh she is a pretty shitty mom. But life is just flying by!!

So in honor of her graduation lets 'throw back" some pictures of her 1st birthday!!!!!
