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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Carter's First Buck

Carter is an outdoorsy kid. Anything that involves the great outdoors you better believe that Carter will be doing it.  He loves the farm life, anything to do with a cow, tractor, or any animal for that matter.  He loves nature; he explores the woods behind our house.  He loves to go hunting; any kind of hunting, coon hunting, deer hunting, etc. 
You can see some of his trophies behind him!

My Daddy has never smiled this much for pictures in his life!! ;)
This past weekend was opening day of Modern Gun Deer Season in KY.  My Dad is an avid hunter. He has "trophy room" in his house where an elk, Mule deer, White tail deer, salmon fish, antelope, many antlers and soon a Brown bear "reside" on the wall.  He takes his hunting serious.  He has deer cameras in the woods beside where he feeds the deer in order to see what has been coming to his corn pile.  On one of his cameras there was a 10 point buck!  HUGE!!!  So I figured that is where he would be going on opening morning, but much to my surprise he went to the woods behind our house just so that Carter could go with him.  Ya see Carter is the only boy on my side of the family other than the son-in-laws.  I have one sister and she has one daughter and then of course Maddie.  So to say that my Daddy is "Carter struck" is an understatement!
Carter stayed the night with my parents so that they could get up bright and early to go and kill that deer!!!

While on my way to Nashville to run my 10 mile race, my Mom called to say that Carter had killed his first deer!!! A 6 point buck!!! She said that Carter was over the moon with excitement!!! He said it was going on his wall in his bedroom.  I am not overly enthused but I guess I will allow since he already has a raccoon skin, fish and a bobcat, yes I said a bobcat. My Daddy killed it in Mississippi and Carter begged him to let him have it and of course Grandaddy did!!


1 comment:

Lobster Meets Peach said...

I can't tell you how much my boys wish that that their Poppy's (or Dad) was a hunter! Love your son's smile!!!