So with all that being said, I want to say a HUGE Thank you for all my readers and followers!!! I know my blog might not be as interesting as some, not near as fancy and my grammar, well I get finger fast with my typing, but I do so appreciate your comments and you following along with me!!!
I have "met" some really nice people:
Courtney, how cute is she, always so stylish, I always look forward to seeing her outfits and her boys, and she keeps me running!!!
Andrea, who always has the cutest outfits!!!
Christin, who always inspires me to want to beat that time even if just by 1 second, and I love seeing her Memphis photos. Besides Vegas, Memphis is probably my favorite town!!! I love the atmosphere, Beal Street, visiting Sun Records and who doesn't love the King!!
Savannah, who is also an awesome runner, also a Bluegrass Girl and loves the KY Derby!!!!
Katie, who just ran an awesome Marathon and won Overall Female!!!! How totally cool is that!!!!!!
Janae, Oh how I love reading about her awesome runs, she is one badA$$ runner!!!! I just dream of being as fast as she is one day!! And Brooke, the cutest ever, and I would be lying if I didn't say I look forward to seeing what she has eaten!! ;)
Skinny Runner, Miss 30+ Marathons who is just flat out the BOMB of runners!!!! Who has killer calves and awesome Abs!! Not I am not stalking, just stating the facts people!
Okay not sure the last 3 read my little bitty blog here in KY, but I had to give them a shout out!!! Because they have helped, coached and inspired me in my running!! If I didn't mention you that does not mean at all that I don't love you dearly!!! I read each and every blog that I follow, yes it consumes a lot of time, but I love you all!!!! And I hope that I have said something or done something that will inspire you some day!!!
And I can't sign off without giving a Big Ole Shout-Out to Ashlee, (thought I forgot about you didn't ya Ash), she is a IRL friend, blogger, co-worker, yeah we sit about 3 feet from each other everyday, however she is on vacation this week and I miss her terribly!!!

I can't say enough on much I appreciate you all, I hope you stick around for some real life adventures from this country girl, wanna be cook, runner and blogger. Because I promise I am keeping it real!!!
Thanks so much!!!

You are so sweet Kelly! This makes my day! I'm so glad I found your blog and you keep me running too by the way--we're gonna run a race together one of these days my friend!!
Awww, you've done brought tears to my eyes this morning. Plus I'm still pretty emotional from Breaking Dawn!! I love ya too! & I'm missin' ya this week! It's terrible to not be able to say "Have you seen Kate yet??" LOL!
You are so dang thoughtful! I love following your journey and reading all about your speedy races. You inspire me to run faster and harder! Keep blogging, my friend!
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