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Friday, November 2, 2012


Yipeeeee, it is finally Friday!!!!!! Linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk to show my favorite things this week for a little Hi-5ing!!!

1. Halloween!!!!!!!!

2. Maddie portraying her teacher, Ms. Sandy!!! She loves her teacher so much, and I am so grateful for that. And I love her as well!!!

3. Turning on my little camera and finding pictures like these!! Love that little double chin!! :)

4. We have so much fun together!

5. I may or may not be running in a Half Marathon on Sunday!!!! ??? YIKES!!! Stay Tuned!!

Happy Friday!!! Go have fun!



Courtney said...

Good luck!!!!!! Love the family pics! Go rock 13.1 girl, you can do it!!

his little lady said...

Oh gosh, how cute that she is pretending to be her teacher reading. Adorable!
xo TJ