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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

Happy Tuesday! I hope yall had a good weekend! Our's was pretty low key.  On Friday night the four of us and my parents went to Rafferty's to eat. And man it was some good eating.  Rafferty's has become our favorite place here lately. Chris loves the ribs and I love their salads!

On Saturday Carter had his first ball game.  He scored the only 4 points for his team!!! But they lost 9-4.  I love watching 1st and 2nd graders play.  They will walk with the ball, double dribble and sometime take it away from their own teammate.  Carter actually made 3 baskets, he just shot the first one at the wrong goal :(  He along with his teammates did so good!! Sorry no pictures!

Satruday night we played some cards with friends and hung out for a while which was a lot of fun. Again no pictures!!!

Sunday morning we had a little bit of snow.  However it didn't last very long.  The kids had stayed all night with my parents and they played in it.  However Mama did take pictures!!! Yay Nana!

Sunday was spent being lazy and watching the Superbowl and the commercials. I loved the farming one and the baby Clydesdale from Budweiser.

Have a good week!


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