The weekend was a laid back, low-key one! Which I so enjoy on occasion! Friday night we did NOTHING!!! It was so nice to not have anything going on. Saturday we got up and got to moving pretty early.

Maddie and I went for a manicure first thing so we wouldn't have to wait. Carter had a basketball game at 1:00. Chris skipped out on his game so he could run to Ashley Furniture and pick up his new bunk beds! After the game Carter was so excited to get home to see his new beds!!! They are full on the bottom and twin on the top. Of course he wanted to sleep on them that night, I didn't have any full size sheets other than pink polka-dots. You know how well that went over!! So what does Super Mom do, makes a flying trip to Wal-Mart to get some boy sheets! While I was there I got a bookcase that he had been needing for quite some time. I didn't want to spend to much money on it, so this serves the purpose just fine. And guess what, not one single picture!!! Promise I will post some tomorrow!!!
I found some material while at Wal-Mart to get quilted so I can have him a quilt made for the beds. I want a quilted comforter instead of a regular comforter.
The past 2 nights Carter has slept on the top bunk and Maddie on the bottom, it is the cutest thing ever!
My Daddy finished Maddie's bunkbeds for her babies! Is it not the cutest thing!! She has played with it all weekend!
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