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Monday, November 5, 2012


Well I did it and survived to tell about it!!!!!! My very first Half Marathon and the Inaugural bg26.2.  This is Bowling Green, KY's very first marathon and half marathon. It is a qualifier for the Boston Marathon.  For it to be their first one, it was very well organized and patrolled very well.  There was BGPD at every major intersection, volunteers at all the other intersections or turns, water and powerade stations every 2 miles and volunteers on bikes that rode the entire course checking on everyone to make sure they were safe and for traffic control. The police department had officers on Harley's out to control traffic as well. So to say it was very well monitored is an understatement, hats off and Kudos to Lilly Wheet the organizer of the event!
Going to earn our 13.1 stickers!!

After the race!!! Looking pretty rough!!!!!! But how else is one to look after running 13 miles!!
My partner in crime, Jessica, and I ran the entire course together.  I couldn't have done it without her.  There was times when I know I could have pulled on out and I know there was times when she could have pulled out on me but we were in it together and we were finishing together!!!! Our time was 2 hours 20 minutes and 25 seconds (2:20:25), I was pleased with it. My goal was to finish in 2 hours and 15 minutes, but hey I will take this.  My knees and  hips were so achy when I finished. I will be  honest at mile 12 I was done!!! DONE!!!! I wanted to lay down on the sidewalk and pray that one of those biker dudes would come pick me up!!!! But I had not walked one single step and I wasn't going to then!!! So I pushed forward.  When I saw the mile 13 sign, I knew it was done, I had finished my very first Half Marathon and I couldn't  have been more proud of myself!!! I would be lying if I didn't say that one little single tear fell from my eye!!! This was/is huge for me considering that 6 months ago I couldn't run 1/2 mile without trying to die!!! Plus I had set my mind to it and told my family that I was going to do this and they believed in me and I could not let them down or myself.
The finishers medal!!!!!
Jessica stayed the night with me so we could get up and get ready together.  We left my house at 5:00am, the advantage to this was that we gained an hour of sleep.  As we left, Chris hollered from the bed, "Kell, good luck, don't die, I need ya!!!" I knew that meant, I love ya and Good Luck babe! Jessica got in the car and said that was the sweetest I love you that I have never heard!!!

At mile 12, very much in pain!!!! that was a forced grin!!! LOL

When we started I was feeling good, I started to get achy around mile 8, but the pain really didn't kick in until mile 11.5, I thought that was the longest 2 miles in my life!!!
also Mile 12, I think I was scared!!!! LOL right before the thought
of laying on the sidewalk!!! LOL

And my absolute favorite picture, our finish line photo!!!! We started this journey
together and we are damn sure gonna finish together!!!!! We are like
peanut butter and jelly!!!!

This was at mile 7!!! Feeling Good!!! Not sure why it scanned in this way!

So there ya have it, my very first Half Marathon......I guess the only thing left to say is when is the next one!!!!!???????



Courtney said...

I love it!!!!! SO excited and happy for you, awesome time, great job, woohoo, high five sister!!!!! Great pictures too of your accomplishment, love them!

Andrea said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!! That is an awesome time! So fun to run with a friend too! Now you have to sign up for your next half :)

Brookie said...

I'm so proud of you ladies!!

Savannah said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an accomplishment and with a great finishing time. Way to go! :)